MK Orlev
MK OrlevIsrael news photo: Flash 90

MK Zevulun Orlev (Jewish Home) was very lightly hurt Sunday when his car was hit by another car that apparently ran a red light.

The accident occurred in the neighborhood of Gilo, in Jerusalem.

In an interview from his hospital bed, MK Orlev said: "I was returning home from the Etzion Bloc after parting ceremony for National Service volunteers in the fields of education, Zionism and Judaism, when I experienced a traffic accident as I drove my car."

A car that ran a red light hit his car with great force, he said. "As a result of the accident, the air bags deployed and the car I was driving was badly damaged. I have never experienced such a forceful blow."

"I was quickly evacuated to the emergency room at Sha'arei Tzedek Hospital and from initial examinations that I underwent, it appears that I miraculously emerged from the accident without immediate damage," Orlev continued. "I have been placed under supervision for several hours and I hope that I will be released in the course of the night and that I can continue my daily routine tomorrow."

Orlev said that he was told that police cameras documented the other car crossing the junction in a red light and that there were numerous witnesses to the accident who said the same thing.

"I thank G-d that I emerged miraculously from the accident," he said. "Anyone who sees the vehicle understands that the accident could have ended tragically."