
The head of the Hizbullah terror group, Hassan Nasrallah, gave a speech on Wednesday evening in which he praised his organization for its supposed victory during the 2006 Second Lebanon War.

The speech, which was scheduled ahead of time to mark the sixth anniversary of the war, made no mention of the terror attack in Bulgaria in which at least five Israelis were killed and which took place on the same day. Israel has hinted that Hizbullah and Iran are likely behind the attack.

“All of Israel, whether military personnel or politicians, are still in shock over the defeat of the enemy in 2006,” Nasrallah said, according to a Channel 10 News report. “For us it's enough that [former Mossad chief] Meir Dagan speaks and tells his Prime Minister Olmert that the war was a national disaster which struck Israel with a difficult blow. Even Dan Meridor and Moshe Arens said something similar.”

He claimed, “We managed to hide our missile launchers in places that the enemy did not know, and we didn’t fire all our missiles back then, although we could have. Everyone wanted to destroy the axis of resistance. They thought that the beginning will be in Lebanon and then Syria. Syria helped the resistance and gave it weapons and missiles.”

Speaking about the relationship between his organization and the Syrian regime, Nasrallah said, “Some say that Syria is the link between Hizbullah and Iran, but let me say that Syria is much more than that. It is very important for the resistance. The most important missiles which fell in Haifa, and beyond Haifa, and in the center of Israel – were Syrian missiles given to the resistance in Lebanon. Syria gave the resistance missiles which helped us in the Second Lebanon War. It's not just in Lebanon, it’s also in Gaza.

“Israel today is afraid of Gaza, because Gaza can send more than a million and half civilians into shelters,” said Nasrallah. “How did these missiles arrive in Gaza? From the Saudi regime? From the Egyptian regime? From Arab regimes? No. These missiles came from Syria and via Syria. It’s the Syrian leadership that worked for the resistance in Lebanon and the resistance in Palestine.”

While Nasrallah did not mention the terror attack in Burgas, Channel 10 News quoted an official with Hizbullah as having denied any involvement in the attack.

“The claim that we hit tourists is ridiculous,” said the official.