Nationalist human rights groups see hypocrisy in the public attacks on Lt. Col. Shalom Eisner, who used his rifle to strike an anarchist Saturday.
"Relying upon the video segments selected by the anarchists is a gift to the rioters and a stab in the back of IDF soldiers who have to face gangs of criminals or neo-Nazis," the Legal Forum for the Land of Israel said.
"The state of Israel's central problem is not the reaction by the Deputy Brigade Commander after he was attacked," it said, "but the fact that the legal authorities allow the rioters to run amok and create mayhem unimpeded."
The Forum added that the same state that placed large police forces at Ben Gurion Airport to block an anti-Israel "flytilla" ignores the anarchists who are already inside Israel, and does not understand that they are violent.
Orit Strook of the Human Rights in Yesha NGO said that "for every video of an officer's violence toward an anarchist, I can bring ten videos of police who were no less violent toward Jews, but the disciplinary and legal measures against them take place at a snail's pace."
Human Rights in Yesha released a video clip showing assorted acts of violence against Jews (captions in Hebrew) in which action against the perpetrators was slow and insufficient, unlike the quick action against Eisner.