Palestinian Authority terrorists in Gaza launched another rocket attack at southern Israel Sunday morning.
Two short-range Qassam rockets exploded in fields located in the Sdot HaNegev Regional Council district area, near Netivot.No one was physically injured and no property damage was reported.
An Israel Air Force drone preempted a terrorist cell from launching a missile attack against Israel from Gaza on Saturday.Two terrorists riding a motorcycle near the southern Gaza city of Rafiah were wounded in the air strike.
Also on Saturday, the IDF announced it had located an unexploded Grad Katyusha missile near Eilat, two days after an attack was launched against the southern city of Eilat.
It was the second of three missiles that were fired at the Red Sea resort from the Sinai Peninsula.
Although Egypt has officially denied the attack came from its territory, Cairo's interior ministry boosted its security deployment to the northern area of the Sinai over the weekend.