Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf," (“My Struggle”), infamous for its unparalleled anti-Semitism upon which the hate-ridden Nazi ideology was founded, has been released in Albania for the first time, the European Jewish Press reported on Sunday.
The manifest, which has been available in bookstores for about a week, was reprinted by a local publisher, who now risks possible charges for inciting racial hatred, officials said this week.
Ermir Nika of the culture ministry said Hitler's book would be "judicially treated as it violates Albanian legislation" for inciting racial hatred. He also noted that the book breached copyright regulations.
The editor of the book claimed it was published as a "warning for future generations in order not to repeat such madness ever again."
Yet, Jewish groups have a hard time accepting this rationale. The Association of Jews in Albania condemned the publishing of the book and said its plans on filing a complaint.
Bavaria holds the rights until 2015, 70 years after Hitler’s death, and has successfully prevented the publication of the book in Germany since the end of World War II. Last week, a Munch court ruled that London publisher Peter McGee, could not reprint the memoir in Germany, the Associated Press (AP) reported.
He had proposed publishing three 16-page segments of "Mein Kampf" with critical commentary as an insert to his weekly magazine "Zeitungszeugen," which reproduces Nazi-era newspapers alongside expert analysis, noted the AP.