Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan took advantage of his speech at the UN General Assembly on Thursday to attack Israel, something he has made a habit of doing in recent months.
“Israel did not comply with 89 UN resolutions and the UN is not helping to put an end to tragedy of the Palestinians,” Channel 10 News quoted Erdogan as saying.
“We cannot leave this issue unresolved - the international community must act quickly and heal this wound,” Erdogan added, stressing that the international community must put pressure on Israel and agree to the Palestinian Authority’s request for recognition of an independent state.
He blamed the Netanyahu government for the current political deadlock, saying, “Those who are in power in Israel do not build peace but bury peace. Those who are in power in Israel must understand that true security comes with a genuine peace. There is nothing that can replace peace.”
Erdogan referred to his country’s diplomatic row with Israel over the 2010 flotilla and once again demanded that Israel apologize for the deaths of nine Turkish nationals on the Mavi Marmara.
“Israel must apologize, pay compensation, and remove the blockade on Gaza,” Erodgan was quoted as saying, making it clear once again that these are his terms for normalizing relations with Israel.
He emphasized, however, that Turkey has “no problem with the Israeli people.”
Turkey downgraded its relations with Israel earlier this month, after the UN’s Palmer Report on the flotilla concluded that Israel faces a real threat to its security from militant groups in Gaza and determined that Israel’s naval blockade on the region was imposed as a legitimate security measure.
Israel has reiterated that it has no intention of apologizing for the deaths of the nine IHH terrorists who died when IDF soldiers boarded the Mavi Marmara and were attacked by the so-called ‘peace activists’ on board.