MK Aryeh Eldad (National Union) responded to Turkey's intention to expel the Israeli ambassador by calling for reciprocity.

"The law of reciprocity – and the ‘law’ of the Middle East – require immediate expulsion of the ambassador to Turkey, filing a suit on behalf of the commandos who were injured - and the State of Israel for expenses incurred - as a result Turkey's negligence in preventing the flotilla from sailing illegally, and immediate cessation of the supply and maintenance of military contracts with Turkey ".

MK Eldad added that during the first week after the Knesset holiday he will advance a bill to recognize the Armenian Genocide by Turkey.

Eldad's comments come on the heels of Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Devutoglu saying his nation rejected the findings of the UN Palmer Report on the 2010 Gaza-flotilla and would be downgrading relations with Israel, as well as ceasing military cooperation. He added economic ties might be downgraded as well.

Devutoglu reiterated the position of Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan that nothing less than a full apology by Israel, reparations for the 9 Turkish nationals killed during the IDF boarding action, and a termination of Israel's naval blockade on Gaza would satisfy Istanbul.

The report concluded Israel's blockade of Gaza was "legal and appropriate," that the commandos were met with "organized and violent resistance" necessitating the use of force to defend themselves, and criticized Turkey for failing to stop the ships from setting sail in the first place.

At the same time it recommended Israel make 'an expression of regret' and compensate the families of those kills saying the level of force employed by the IDF was "excessive and unreasonable."

It did not take into account that the commandos were armed with 'pneumatic guns' and live fire was only employed when those proved insufficient to dissuade the lynch mob that confronted them aboard the Mavi Marmara.

Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has said Israel will do no more than 'express regret.'