National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir arrived on Friday evening at the scene of the shooting attack in the Neve Yaakov neighborhood of Jerusalem, in which seven people were murdered.
Ben Gvir asked the media at the scene not to ask him for interviews as he is Shabbat observant and does not give interviews on Shabbat. However, the cameras recorded him as he spoke to local residents.
The residents could be heard telling him, “Come clean up the blood, it happened on your watch”.
Some of the people at the scene could be heard yelling out, “Death to terrorists”, to which Ben Gvir agreed.
The Minister could be heard telling the locals, "I left the Shabbat table. The burden of proof is on us, you're right. We need to act now and respond because it cannot continue like this."
(Israel National News' North American desk is keeping you updated until the start of Shabbat in New York. The time posted automatically on all Israel National News articles, however, is Israeli time.)