Afghanistan voting
Afghanistan votingiStock

Men dressed in American military fatigues are now beheading men and raping women. Only they are not Americans. They are Taliban, wearing G.I. uniforms Biden left behind to facilitate his disgraceful exit from Afghanistan.

American regimentals have always signified courage, comfort, decency and mercy. Still do. But now this!

(Only the Israeli uniform commands the same respect.)

Then this – American military equipment worth more than $85 Billion was given up to the Taliban on Biden’s rush to accommodate his surrender, and as if to illustrate how quick and how steep our decline, the terrorists are parading around on our tanks and Humvees in ways to leave no doubt that they won, we lost, badly.

How bad? Read this.

They think we’re stupid. They think we’ll buy anything they’re selling.
The mockery is both the perception and the reality for the rest of the world to gloat at our shame.

As for our generals, where was a Patton when we needed one?

Also this – USA military service dogs have been left behind in cages to starve or to be tortured by the terrorists, thanks to Biden.

Thanks to Biden, hundreds of Americans have been left behind…Sen. Lindsey Graham suggests thousands…to become amusements for the world’s most depraved Jihadists.

You would not know this if you listen to Biden himself and to his highest-level spokespersons. In a language nobody believes or really understands, it is so full of Beltway evasiveness, baloney and gobbledygook…they shrug off the stranded Americans as dispensable. Tough luck, if you missed the boat.

Their briefings mirror Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s on First.”

“Only” a few didn’t make it out, they say in guv-speak.

Is any life Only?

The mission, they say, has switched from military to diplomacy. There is nothing reassuring about that.

To further rub it in, Biden says many were given chances to leave, but chose to stay. He provides no evidence for this.

We are supposed to take him at his word, this Biden who had promised to get everybody out.

We are supposed to believe that nine times they were phoned and warned to leave…but no, they preferred to stay behind.

That is both comedy and tragedy. Tragedy for the real lives in jeopardy; comedy for the joke that ANYONE would choose to stay in the hell on earth that is Afghanistan.

Who needs New York when you’ve got beautiful downtown Kabul?

The crisis, it appears to me, rests on the belief, on the part of the Liberal Elite, that we the people are children who can be served whatever pabulum they choose.

They think we’re stupid. They think we’ll buy anything they’re selling.

They could be right, considering the choice we made to serve as our president.

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva.

He wrote the worldwide book-to-movie bestseller “Indecent Proposal,” the authoritative newsroom epic, “The Bathsheba Deadline,” followed by his coming-of-age classics, “The Girls of Cincinnati,” and, the Holocaust-to-Montreal memoir, “Escape from Mount Moriah.” For that and his 1960s epic “The Days of the Bitter End,” contemporaries have hailed him “The last Hemingway, a writer without peer, and the conscience of us all.” Website:

Engelhard books
Engelhard booksJ.Engelhard