Rabbi Yehoshua Dim
Rabbi Yehoshua Dimצילום: Vaad HaRabbanim

The sound of weeping rang through the crowd last Tuesday, as small boys with long black peyot said kaddish for their father, Rabbi Yehoshua Dim. Rabbi Dim passed away from a sudden heart attack at only 46 years old, leaving behind a shattered widow & 7 children. A large crowd filled the streets to bid him farewell, and to comfort the woman and young children who heaved with hysterical sobs as they lowered the body into the ground.

Next week, however, those who attended the funeral will reunite with the Dim family again, for an unusual reason: A wedding.

In a tragic case of horrible timing, daughter Raizel is engaged to get married in just a few days. Though the family is devastated and can barely function let alone celebrate, they have absolute clarity that the late Rabbi Dim would have wanted, after all of their preparations, for his beloved daughter to go to her chuppah.

And so, the family and their loved ones will soon attend an event which will surely be vastly different than what the young bride had once imagined.

Fulfilling Rabbi Dim’s last wishes, however, have put his widow in a painful position. With her husband gone, wife Shayna Dim now has no way to support herself or her family. In addition to the shock and stress of losing her husband and marrying off her daughter, she now faces the harsh reality that next month, she has no way to afford groceries.

Donations are being collected for the Dim family, to help them through this overwhelmingly tragic time. Funds raised go toward helping cover the family’s most basic needs.