This coming Thursday, the third Sovereignty Youth Conference will take place, which will be held at the Oz veGaon preserve in Gush Etzion. Hundreds of youths from all parts of the Land have already registered.

“The youth understands that this is the task of our generation. From the conference, we will set out in hasbara activities in the streets and with members of Knesset and ministers with the call to promote the Greater Jerusalem initiative, says Itamar Yom-Tov, one of the leaders of Sovereignty Youth. “We must bring the statesmen back to the ideological clarity that led the People of Israel to the Land of Israel”.

The Greater Jerusalem initiative redraws the municipal borders of Jerusalem and includes Mevaseret in the west, Ma’ale Adumim in the east, Gush Etzion in the south and some of the Binyamin towns in the north. “The goal, explains Yair Buchnik, who is also one of the movement’s leaders, “is to turn Jerusalem into a metropolis, as is customary in a number of capitals throughout the world”.

The Sovereignty Movement views the step as the proper Zionist response to the attacks from home and from abroad, with Jerusalem placed as the capital of the Jewish People. “From Iran to Erdogan, from Hamas to Hizb’Allah and the rest of Israel’s enemies, they are careful to place Jerusalem at the center of their conflict with Israel and as the basis for their aspirations to exterminate it.

The Arab rioters in the mixed cities as well, carried calls to “defend Jerusalem” from the “Zionist occupation” on their flags. It turns out that the centrality of Jerusalem is clear to the enemy and in response, Israel must emphasize and deepen her development and building and her sovereignty over Jerusalem.

The event will be attended by heads of regional councils, the leaders of youth movements, Middle East experts, public figures and intellectuals who will deal with the deep significance of Jerusalem to the Jewish People’s heritage, to the return to Zion and the struggle for the character and future of the State of Israel.

Among those who will give blessings at the convention are the elder rabbi of Religious Zionism Rav Haim Druckman and Rav Shmuel Eliahu, the rabbi of Safed and the rabbi of the Sovereignty Movement, who view the activities of the Sovereignty Youth as the fulfillment of the People of Israel’s spiritual and practical goal in the Land of Israel.

Sovereignty youth
Sovereignty youthצילום: יח"צ