Brit Milah (illustration)
Brit Milah (illustration)istock

Noam and Elisheva Fogel, Jewish Agency and Bnei Akiva emissaries to New Zealand, had to wait five months before circumcising their infant son.

The happy parents welcomed their new son into the world two days before a full closure was imposed in New Zealand, as part of the fight against the spread of the coronavirus in the country.

This week, five months after the birth, a circumcision ceremony was held. Elisheva and Noam described the process as "one of the most challenging experiences parents have to go through."

"Two years ago we left Israel for a journey in a country we’ve only heard of. Since then, NZ has become our new “home away from home,” the parents stated.

"Back then, if someone were to tell us we would have a baby boy 2 days before lockdown, not have him circumsized till the age of 5 months, postpone his Brit celebration 3 times and that Noam would need to circumsize him, we wouldn’t believe a word.

"Yet here we are. Almost two years later, at one of the most challenging experiences parents need to go through. We are grateful to be after and are hoping for a quick and smooth recovery for all.
Thank you for your love, warmth and support," they said.