
Former Defense Minister Yamina Chairman Naftali Bennett urges the public to conduct themselves as befitting a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

"The epidemic is back, big-time; contagion is very high. We have passed the first wave's highs," Bennett claimed, opening an update this morning.

He says, "Just being infected with coronavirus in young people usually works out fine. The problem is when it passes to the elderly. Don't be impressed by the currently low number of sick and dead patients; there's usually a three-week gap between infection and morbidity and deaths."

"So I ask that when you go to visit grandparents you meet them outside, in the garden, in the yard, in the open air. The chance of contagion in the open air is a fraction of that in a closed room. If it still has to be indoors, open windows and doors and turn on a fan; the ventilation dramatically reduces the chance of getting infected," he claimed.

Bennett added, "That's why I ask, so that we can continue to open the country, guard the vulnerable, the weak, guard your grandparents and meet them in the open air. Don't underestimate coronavirus, it's not a conspiracy, it's a real thing. We don't deny coronavirus, but we can deal with it together."