Zionist Union MK Yoel Hasson called on the Israeli government to annex Judea and Samaria and apply sovereignty.

In a video published by Likud's "Mitlakdim Leribonut" forum, which campaigns to apply Israeli sovereignty to Judea and Samaria, Hasson can be seen slamming the current government and encouraging annexation.

"You aren't willing to go through with this and actually annex [anything]," he said. "Annex! Follow through! Don't make it a creeping annexation. Go with the ideological truth of the true right."

"You are a government of scaredy-cats who aren't able to implement the ideology you claim to believe in.

"Let's see this right-wing government follow through to the end, all the way to the end."

Watch the Hebrew video here:

כשבכיר המחנה הציוני קרא לספח את יו"ש