
Dr. Devorah Ungar

News and updates about Dr. Devorah Ungar

Rose petals

One red rose, vibrant in her hopefulness. A reminder in this year of hope, of grace, of life’s beauty. A year in which we were shocked to discover, that mankind has not changed since the Holocaust.

Rose petals

Kite surfing

Apparently, despite the tragedy and sorrow of our lives in this Land, the flow of nature continues, unperturbed. Yes, the sun is still brightly shining, and waves are still rolling in at the seashore. And kite surfers are catching the breeze.

Kite surfing

Tisha B'Av 5784:

Listen for the footsteps, listen to the notes

A feeling of almost palpable yearning fills our hearts. For a time of peace, of tranquility, of otherworldliness. Can we keep the music within us, as a reminder?

Listen for the footsteps, listen to the notes

Three stars

Perhaps today. Perhaps tonight.

Three stars

'In my distress I called upon the Lord'

There is a yearning for peace, for tranquility, for an end to the tension and apprehension of the past months.

'In my distress I called upon the Lord'

I wish I had wings...

It is the month of Adar, the month of rebirth, of hopefulness. And yet, a white cloud of disbelief lends an atmosphere of disbelief, to the lovely scene. We ask, When? For how long?

I wish I had wings...

Planting with tears

We, as our ancestors before us, will plant the seeds of hope and faith from which one day, God-willing, joy and everlasting peace will sprout.

Planting with tears

When I falter

Is it indeed three in the morning? Perhaps I am no longer here, but have drifted off into the darkness which surrounds us...

When I falter

It is Cheshvan and our sukkah is still standing

The men who would have taken it down are all in the army, but maybe is tells a message written long ago by King David.

It is Cheshvan and our sukkah is still standing

Hoshana - save us!

Will we be forgiven for the betrayal of our heritage which occurred but a mere week ago in this country?

Hoshana - save us!

Like those who dream and those who try to break our dreams

I find myself absolutely speechless. I cannot comprehend, the images are disturbing, quite shocking.

Like those who dream and those who try to break our dreams

Swinging on birches

Are we in danger of becoming a “land which devours its inhabitants” (Numbers 13:32), as our nation wreaks havoc on itself?

Swinging on birches

Breaking dawn

Dedicated in heartbreak for the cruel loss of treasured life to terror. Words cannot express the pain. We pray for the dawn of tranquility.

Breaking dawn

They shall inherit the land forever

What are we raising high to heaven with the flames which flicker determinedly, steadfastly, in an upward direction?

They shall inherit the land forever

The nights as well

How do we lead a life so as to be worthy of the freedom we have been given?

The nights as well

Dreams we hold in the palm of our hand

Have we so quickly forgotten the lessons of our all-too-recent past? Chaos and anger threaten to tear the country apart.

Dreams we hold in the palm of our hand

Thirsty for rebirth

“Return to who you are, return to what you are, return to where you were born and reborn again”

Thirsty for rebirth


Sometimes, in the very timelessness of our day we will discover the sanctity of time.


Catching sun

We yearn for a return to innocence.  For memory to be transformed into knowledge that the world is a better place now, lessons learned.

Catching sun

Dreams and shadows, light and darkness

Each candle, lit by the same source, will burn differently, according to its nature, as we, unique in our nature, our paths, our lives.

Dreams and shadows, light and darkness

One moment in time

May we rise to the challenge at our moment in time. With Abraham and Isaac's faith in which the comprehensible and incomprehensible coexist.

One moment in time

Something that draws me upward

It is the month of Elul, and it is time. For our spirits to soar upward. For our feet to remember in which direction they wish to walk.

Something that draws me upward


We ask God where He is, but He is asking us the same question...


Raisins and Almonds, mourning and hope

This month we are presented with a foretelling of destruction, but we are also told ”But this do I call to mind, therefore I have hope."

Raisins and Almonds, mourning and hope

Bright lights to guide me

The vision of the world may change, at times bright, at times dark. And yet the inner glow remains untouched, unchanged, undimmed.

Bright lights to guide me

White butterfly

Around us is an almost palpable presence of tranquility, but we find ourselves in a world of rage.

White butterfly

Why does my heart feel so bad? Why does my soul feel so bad?

As the month of Nissan approaches, would that we could sow the seeds from which peace will bud, hatred cease, human suffering end.

Why does my heart feel so bad? Why does my soul feel so bad?

Gone to flowers

Mankind has a great ability to unite Against.  Would we could use this strength of unity to unite For.

Gone to flowers

A vision softly creeping...

May we be worthy. “Purify our hearts to serve Thee in truth”

A vision softly creeping...

Am Yisrael Chai

We are blessed to be in the Land of Israel. Where children can happily sing “Am Yisrael Chai” on the streets on a pleasant Friday evening.

Am Yisrael Chai

Lights, hope, faith and dreams.

The candles we will soon lighti, like the rainbow, have a glow which is temporary but whose presence lingers long after they are gone.

Lights, hope, faith and dreams.

Swan Lake

“Ruach”, the breath of life. The Spirit of Life within each of us. The freedom to soar, towards the heights of our potential.

Swan Lake

On Sukkot, we dream under the stars

Tomorrow is today's dream. We pray that our intentions be worthy of creation, that our dreams be worthy of actualization.

On Sukkot, we dream under the stars

One life

Does man have the ability to change the Nature of Man?

One life

Dazzled by the night

In our personal lives, the broken and the potential for wholeness exist together.Will we be dazzled by the promise or blinded by the dark?

Dazzled by the night

Mon amie la Rose

In the very fragility of life lies the mystery, the wonder, the hope, the light.

Mon amie la Rose

Footprints in the sand

The path in the sand stretches out endlessly before me. Unknown but beckoning. What footprints will be left in it?

Footprints in the sand

'A still, small voice'

Is this not the voice that we are longing now to hear? The comforting voice of peace, of stillness and serenity.

'A still, small voice'

Living waters shall go out from Jerusalem...

Jerusalem is a city nourished by internal waters, as we are nourished by our souls.

Living waters shall go out from Jerusalem...

A garland for ashes

A seemingly mundane morning. If not for the fact that this was the first time in a year in which I had experienced such an event. Opinion.

A garland for ashes

In the morning sun

What is the vision for this new refresh of society which we are now building? Opinion.

In the morning sun

We reap what we sow

The scenes of violence in our streets will be shown around the world. Are we exalting the Name of God?

We reap what we sow

In these days of suspended life

A fleeting moment, the echo of a memory. Can we choose a random moment in Time, and remember it for the rest of our lives? Op-ed.

In these days of suspended life

In the concealment

Heaven helps us in the path that we have chosen.  In the way we looki at life. In the actions we choose in our daily life.

In the concealment

The eighth candle

There are eight candles sparkling, the light of which brings warmth to the family inside and to passers-by outside who will see its glow.

The eighth candle

Up in the air

My parents were so honored to be Americans, living in the land of freedom and opportunity. They always would say: ‘Only in America’.

Up in the air

A light unto the nations

We are creating now the world in which the next generation will be living.  How do we want it to look?

A light unto the nations

What about life?

When will the time come to reclaim our lives?

What about life?