Israel's 1st Chief Rabbi:
Psalm 31: Like a lost vessel
Hunted by his enemies, David, too, felt betrayed and abandoned:
Hunted by his enemies, David, too, felt betrayed and abandoned:
His calm in a moment of near death makes me think of that famous verse in Psalms, “Though I walk through a valley of the shadow of death, I fear no harm, for You are with me (Ps. 23:4).”
Rina's Book of Psalms had glass and blood on the page with Psalms 109 and 110. Could it be that Rina had been reading this page at the moment that the first bullets entered the car? What is the message for us?
There is a yearning for peace, for tranquility, for an end to the tension and apprehension of the past months.
Google data reveals that thousands of Israelis typed the word "Psalms" into the search engine last night.
Israel's first Chief Rabbi: There are two levels of kavanah (intention) in prayer.
Israel's first chief rabbi: "Our world is inherently imperfect, and God’s kindness is not always readily apparent."
Musician Ari Green's new song 'Hold Me Closer' encapsulates the feelings flowing through the nation - both the pain of the war and the hopes for the future.
A woman from Kiryat Malachi tells a chiling yet heartwarming story. Am Yisrael Chai.
Handwritten note helps identify man who purchased Psalms as gifts, family says they are still looking for the recipient of the gift.
Is it indeed three in the morning? Perhaps I am no longer here, but have drifted off into the darkness which surrounds us...
Israel's first chief rabbi: Why should fear and apprehension be a sign of sin?
Teenage Israeli girls talk to Sivan about their sources of strength during the current war. Saying Psalms is one way, but there is more.
The men who would have taken it down are all in the army, but maybe is tells a message written long ago by King David.
King David, too, experienced numerous troubles throughout his life.
Actress Gila Alamagor disclosed in an emotional moment: “God threw me a rope. There is a synagogue here. It is one of my favorite places.”
What the line "have hope in Hashem" in the last verse of the psalm we say during this period means.
More than one thousand worshippers joined in the traditional march around the gates of the Temple Mount to mark the new month.
Israel's first Chief Rabbi:'The nation as a whole needs God’s house standing...every detail declaring awe and reverence for God.'
Israel's first Chief Rabbi: Strange gods “within you”? The Sages taught that this refers to evil impulses, particularly uncontrolled anger:
It is a Chabad tradition to say the psalm whose number is the years since the Rebbe's birth on NIssan 11, so chap.122 is said tonight.
Israel's first Chief Rabbi explains the source of a righteous man's happy feelings.
Israel's first Chief Rabbi: It was never easy to be a Jew.
Israel's first Chief Rabbi: We cannot make the sudden switch from our mundane activities to earnest prayer without a mental effort.
In his book, “Step-By-Step” on the Redemption of Israel, Rabbi Drukman explains the reference to dreamers in Psalm 126.
Book of Psalms stops shrapnel from killing man wounded in deadly Jerusalem bombing.
Israel's 1st Chief Rabbi: We aspire to attain higher levels, to ascend God’s mountain. And we stop to stand still and internalize His laws.
Religion and medicine have a very long association.
It is said that war is a great leveller: on the battlefield, rich and poor are equally killed. For Jews, it is serving G-d and prayer.
The wonders of G-d's world in a short, beautifully illustrated book that seems like a child's version of King David's praise in Psalm 104.
First, we must learn to identify ourselves as servants of God.
The difference between them concerns their atitude to contributing to the world's progress as well as to its spiritual level.
Our greatest pleasure comes, not from resting, but from hard work.
Our dreams are the forerunners of our national redemption.
We walk in tears, but “our mouths will fill with laughter”- at the time of redemption, the joy hidden within Am Yisrael will burst forth.
Torah from Israel's first chief rabbi: When did David arise during the night to meditate and pray? And what did it signify?
President Rivlin participated in an initiative to read Psalms on Yom HaZikaron.
Torah from Israel's frst Chief Rabbi and iconic leader of Religious Zionism: "Why didn't Rabbi Meir think of his wife's solution himself?"
Torah from Israel's first Chief Rabbi, iconic leader of Religious Zionism: 'In what way does G-d come to the aid of those who are ill?'
Israel's first Chief Rabbi and iconic leader of Religious Zionism: How much should we be involved in this world and its pleasures?
Torah from Israel's first Chief Rabbi, iconic leader of Religious Zionism: Sometimes our greatest enemy comes from within.
We are creating now the world in which the next generation will be living. How do we want it to look?
Israel's first Chief Rabbi and the iconic leader of Religious Zionism on controlling the soul's emotions.
Encouragement from Israel's first Chief Rabbi, the iconic leader of Religious Zionism.
Torah from Israel's first Chief Rabbi: The essence of prayer is incremental.
Beginning Friday, we will say Psalm 27 each day until Hoshana Rabba. This year it will have special meaning.
Psalm 20 explained by Israel's first Chief Rabbi and iconic leader of Religious Zionism: Why call out to Jacob's God in times of distress?
Torah from Israel's first Chief Rabbi, the iconic leader of Religious Zionism.
The main avenue of sin is the international body that incorporates 193 nations, The United Nations..
Reality show contestant sparks controversy by suggesting contestants burn book of Psalms.
With families stuck together this is the perfect time to pray together. Psalm 118 contains an eternal message of hope from G-d.
Belz Hasidim read chapter 121 in Psalms: 'I lift my eyes to the mountains; from where does my help come?' as Hasidic Council does same.
Jeremy Gimpel composes and sings songs based on the Psalms in the very Judean mountains where King David wrote them.
MK Elazar Stern, former IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi and other senior officials visit new Museum of the Bible in Washington.
Yad L'Achim inundated with phone calls after missionary group attempts to convert Jews with a deceitful version of a classic Jewish text.
Yitzchak Herzog paid a visit to the Kotel on Sunday, where he proclaimed his loyalty to the holy site and said he prays daily.
The world's most valuable printed book was auctioned Tuesday. Printed 1640, it is thought to be first book printed in what is now the US.
A video posted to YouTube shows soldiers in southern Israel keeping up their spirits by singing and dancing in an expression of their faith.