Prayer for the hostages
In collaboration with the Young Israel of Scarsdale, Mordy Weinstein is back with a touching music video for "Prayer for the Hostages."
In collaboration with the Young Israel of Scarsdale, Mordy Weinstein is back with a touching music video for "Prayer for the Hostages."
There is one day a year designed for the soul, and solely for the soul.
We know the well-known Gemara (Bava Kamma 92a), that those who daven for others will have their prayers answered first
The assassination of Nasrallah and Jewish unity.
If a prayer is not accepted, it’s not because we’re not religious enough or because G-d doesn’t like us. G-d is a loving G-d, and if He turned down our prayer we can be sure it’s for the best.
A prayer decrying slanderers and heretics touches upon powerful emotions of hostility and anger, while prayer is intended to be a medium of peace and love.
“May the words of my mouth... be acceptable” are words of deep significance. Where is the best place to say them in the prayer service?
Why wait for an October 7th to say the blessing for the soldiers? Why wait for Hamas to act before you daven?
This is how one IDF soldier prayed before the ground operation in Rafah.
Israel's first chief rabbi explains how sometimes the entire community has to realzie how important it is to give thanks.
We pray that Hashem protect and defend them all, but every parent has his own special prayer - and his own sleepless nights.
A principal in Europe: A 12-year-old boy came to me and said, 'I hate you. We will take back the country'. They reject our culture, our values. Their hatred is unimaginable."
Ulpanat Horev in Jerusalem holds a public prayer meeting for the wellbeing of IDF soldiers and the return of those kidnapped
Hashem performs small and grand miracles daily and we must be grateful for them all, from finding lost objects to winning the current war..
This thorny question as seen in the eyes of various commenttators.
Our sages taught that righteous people can transform G-d’s severe judgment into Divine acts of compassion.
Rambam: If a great tribulation comes upon the nation, trumpets must be blasted and people must examine their ill deeds A call for teshuva.
G-d will hear the nation of Israel]'s cries because of what Ishmael’s descendants do to them in the Land of Israel at the end of days..
Mother of hostage kidnapped from music rave by Hamas to light torch at Western Wall Plaza.
Often we look upon Hashem as if He were a spare tire Most of the time we drive about,, not thinking about the spare tire until we need it.
Similar prayer rallies held in Monsey, New York, and Lakewood, New Jersey.
Chief Rabbi of Berlin lauds show of solidarity by German government officials at the main synagogue of Berlin.
Join an event of Tefillah, Updates, Chizuk, and Inspiration, and suggestions of what you can do to help.
Opposition leader says 'you can't defeat hate with hate' after protestors disrupt Yom Kippur prayers in Tel Aviv.
We can reach a Yom Kippur even in our brokenness, as this is when we got the second tablets,a state of completeness within human existence.
What could Hashem need of us?
The moving cantor's prayer, the doubter's prayer. And the call to teshuva.
One of G-d's greatest kindnesses to us is allowing us to pray. Prayer affects reality.
The point is for our thoughts about G-d to take over our minds and lead us in directions we did not anticipate.
Israel's first Chief Rabbi: What determined the length of Moses’ prayers? Why did his own sister merit only a brief, one-line prayer?
There is scholarly debate as to the author of this easy to learn hymn based on Maimonides 13 Principles of Faith.
Thousands join prayers with music and dancing.
The Blessing on the Trees is recited once a year during the Jewish month of Nisan, which began Thursday.
For first time in history, police and Border Police share prayer across Israel for safety of Jewish State.
Israel's first Chief Rabbi: We cannot make the sudden switch from our mundane activities to earnest prayer without a mental effort.
In this article, we discuss the many parts of the tefilah of weekday Shacharis that follow Barchu – until the end of the weekday Shacharis.
Are we too concentrated on the when of praying to give enough attention to the why?
Jacob, who barely escapes from the treachery of Lavan, soon finds himself confronted by the deadly mob of his brother Esav.
The website for Halakha information on mourning where you can learn about the rules and practices from the moment of passing until the year
Israel's 1st Chief Rabbi, iconic leader of Religious Zionism: "The soul is always praying. It constantly seeks to fly away to its Beloved.”
Prayer is our spiritual sustenance and rain is the source of our physical sustenance. Parshiyot Bereshith and Noach exemplify that.
Israel's first Chief Rabbi on a short Yom Kippur prayer that explains the meaning of our existence.
Resources to enrich your experience and that of your loved ones: Letters to the next generation, reflections on prayer, 10 Days 10 Ways,
Daily, we literally daven for vengeance on our enemies, ingathering of the Jews to Eretz Yisrael and for the Davidic dynasty. Do we mean it?
"Even though the gates of prayer are locked, the (heavenly) gates of tears have not been locked..."said Rabbi Elazar in the Talmud.
American haredi umbrella group Agudath Israel lauds end of decades-old de facto ban on school prayers in Supreme Court ruling.
Police say court erred in concluding saying Shema prayer, bowing on Temple Mount by Jews is not a disruption o the public order.
Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Arieh King attacked the intention of police not to allow Rabbi Eliyahu to hold a solemn prayer at Davidson Square.
Judaism is always built for the long run and not for the short moments of seeming pleasure or current correctness.
May we be worthy. “Purify our hearts to serve Thee in truth”
The enemies of the Jews live under the illusion that if they destroy Jewish places of worship they can destroy the Jewish People.
The wonders of G-d's world in a short, beautifully illustrated book that seems like a child's version of King David's praise in Psalm 104.
In every generation, the holy Shechinah (Divine Presence) seeks out individuals who are like Moshe Rabbeinu,,
There is a medieval legend about the first part of the beautiful Sabbath prayer.
The head of the Yeshiva has recently been diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing treatment. The public is asked to pray for his recovery.
Tomorrow is today's dream. We pray that our intentions be worthy of creation, that our dreams be worthy of actualization.
This High Holiday season, hundreds of synagogues deploy RZA/ Mizrachi America prayer for return of Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul.
We are beseeching God to intervene and grant our soldiers victory, yet our own rules of military engagement subvert that prayer. Op-ed.
Pray for the souls of the heroes killed in Kabul last week who embodied what America once stood for: Honor and devotion to country. Op-ed.
Why don't we ask forgiveness for our personal sins on Rosh Hashana if it is the Day of Judgment?