

News and updates about Patriarchs


Only in Eretz Yisrael

Yaakov understood that through the holiness of Eretz Yisrael, which was the “house of G-d and the gate of heaven,” he would be able to fulfill his task of connecting heaven and earth.

Only in Eretz Yisrael

No rest for the righteous in this world

The pasuk says וישב יעקב: ‘and Yaakov dwelt’, it clearly has the second meaning

No rest for the righteous in this world

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch: A recipe for peace of mind

A guilty conscience plagued Yaakov before meeting Esav.

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch: A recipe for peace of mind

Parshat Vayeitzei: We should be positive and never despair.

Just when life for the Jewish people is intolerable, that’s when Hashem can bring our Yeshua, he can bring our salvation.

Parshat Vayeitzei: We should be positive and never despair.

The silence of Abraham the "settler"

Abraham called himself a "settler" and knew that sometimes the best thing to do is keep quiet.

The silence of Abraham the "settler"

Banish the son of the handmaid

The more we contributed to the prosperity of our Arab neighbors, the sons of Ishmael, the more their war against us intensified

Banish the son of the handmaid

A small, lonely and eternal people

Even the cursory reader senses that Avraham and Sarah are up to something great – that this is no ordinary tale of pioneering and struggle.

A small, lonely and eternal people

'How goodly are your tents, Jacob, your dwellings, Israel'

Jacob (Ya'akov) and Israel (Yisrael) are not alternative names, but two levels of approach to the same mission. Which level are we on today?

'How goodly are your tents, Jacob, your dwellings, Israel'

We defy the odds

We are clearly the “longshot” in every bet, yet we come through time and time again. Opinion.

We defy the odds

In the merit of Yitzchak Avinu

Hashem intended that the Mishkan be erected in the month in which Yitzchak Avinu was born.Why?

In the merit of Yitzchak Avinu

Four characters=Four worlds

Each of the four starring characters in the Jacob story has his own attitude towards this world and the world to come.

Four characters=Four worlds

Jacob the timeless entity

It is as if Rebecca and Jacob were not affected by the usual constraints of time and were not concerned about them.

Jacob the timeless entity

For his first yahrzeit:

'How perfect were the Matriarchs and Patriarchs?' In memoriam

A deep and enlightening article that exemplifies the wisdom of the rabbi and mentor who passed away one year ago.

'How perfect were the Matriarchs and Patriarchs?' In memoriam

Continuing on the Path of the Patriarchs

'The Boys' Promenade' for three murdered teens inaugurated in Gush Etzion together with 'Ezra's Lookout' in memory of Ezra Schwartz.

Continuing on the Path of the Patriarchs

Benjamin Franklin and the Exodus

Benjamin Franklin and the Exodus