State Archives releases summary of Yom Kippur War
50 Years since the negotiations on a Separation of Forces agreement, in Syria following the Yom Kippur War, PMO releases summary of Henry Kissinger's shuttle diplomacy between Assad and Golda Meir.
50 Years since the negotiations on a Separation of Forces agreement, in Syria following the Yom Kippur War, PMO releases summary of Henry Kissinger's shuttle diplomacy between Assad and Golda Meir.
Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the first Jewish person in that position, passes away at his home in Connecticut.
Heroism held the line, turning the tide to victory, but did not excuse the disastrous failures that nearly ended the State of Israel.Op-ed.
A crucial and damning part of the Yom Kippur War scenario has been downplayed. Time to get it out to the public.Op-ed.
Victory, Abie Natan's call to lay down arms, Sadat's intransigence, Kissinger's efforts..
Former US Sec. of State discussed negotiations between the US and Saudi Arabia, the political situation in Israel, and the Yom Kippur War.
They cannot win, but it's not about winning. Henry Kissinger said it best. Op-ed.
This is the man who said:“The best result [of the war] would be if Israel came out a little ahead but got bloodied in the process.” Op-ed.
First Jewish Secretary of State marked his 100th birthday. Watch a special interview for the Yom Kippur War Foundation.
Sec. of State Blinken asked Eli Cohen to convey messages to Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov during meeting.
Former US Secretary of State warns that peace will not be achievable in the Middle East until Iran ends its nuclear program.
Ukrainian president responds to former US Secretary of State's argument Ukraine should give up claims to territory seized by Russia in 2014.
Former Secretary of State urges negotiations as the only solution in the long term to end the conflict and return to regional stability.
Christopher Nixon Cox appears to have a six-day gap in his historical memory. Op-ed.
Are appointments of Jews in high-ranking political positions by nature positive? Are they necessarily good for Jews? Opinion.
A foreign policy delusion of 'appeasement' means that tyranny is incentivized and war more likely. But Biden seems to be going there.Op-ed.
Famed former US Secretary of State says Israeli PM analyzing implications of upcoming Trump peace plan.
Yom Kippur War fighter tells of painful war experiences and discourse between generals he says reveaed secret plan that preceded war.
If Hillary Clinton is indeed courting Henry Kissinger, what happens to her relationship with Bernie Sanders?
Former Secretary of State says interim agreement must ensure Israel’s security but also the dignity of the Palestinians.
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee, seeking to boost his foreign policy knowledge, schedules meeting with former Sec. of State.
Famous former secretaries of state Kissinger and Shultz break down the nuclear deal, and why it demands US 'soul-searching.'
Venerated former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger says he is not optimistic about the chances for real progress in Mideast peace.
President Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Ehud Barak say the threat of military action is vital to efforts against Iran's nuclear program.
Former U.S. Secretary of State Kissinger on 'red lines': We cannot subcontract the right to go to war. That is an American decision.
Former U.S Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said, he “can understand” why Romney’s initial reaction to the violence was “quite severe.”
The unsolved murder of an Israeli attache is the subject of conjecture that he knew about the impending Yom Kippur War.
Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger apologizes for telling then-Pres. Nixon that Jews in gas chambers were “not an American concern.”
Newly-released Nixon library tapes shock US: Kissinger told Nixon, “Putting Jews in Soviet gas chambers would not be an American concern."