A few weeks ago, Dutch Labour Party councilor in Amsterdam dressed up in a yellow niqab, the Islamic garment that covers a woman's body, during an LGBT rally.

Hendrik Jan Biemon and several other people dressed in different colored niqabs to symbolize the colors of the Pride movement and to defend these Muslim women's rights to cover themselves.

They held placards describing themselves as “burka queens”. Europe's madness in a photograph. Nobody found time to tell these Dutch relativistic idiots of the fate Muslim homosexuals meet in their iown countries. 

To protest against the ban on burkini in France, Muslim activists this week led to the closure of a swimming pool in Paris, not far from the Bataclan Theatre. They bathed veiled and accompanied by French feminist and transgender activists. “We will take a bath, even if the racists don't want us to!”. Naturally, next came the banner “Stop Islamophobia”.

The feminists said: “Our bodies belong to us”. These are the same feminists who imposed on French students ridiculous books such as “Daddy Wears a Dress”. For them, “domination” comes only from the white male heterosexual Europeans.

Fortunately, some Iranian girls are still out there to defend freedom and dignity against Islamic fundamentalism.

After she saw New Zealanders wearing the hijab in a show of solidarity following the Christchurch mosque attacks, Iranian activist Masih Alinejad attacked the Western feminists. Alinejad, who has lived in exile since 2009 and received death threats for her campaigning against Iran's obligatory wearing of hijabs, said: “I felt admiration that a prominent leader and women in New Zealand showed compassion to the Muslim community, but I also felt that you are using one of the most visible symbols of oppression for Muslim women in many countries for solidarity, and it also broke my heart. That is why I call on them to show their sisterhood and solidarity with us, who are being beaten up, imprisoned and punished for fighting against compulsory hijab as well”.

The same day when one of the Iranian girls put her headscarf on a stick and waved it in public (she was arrested), three female politicians from the Netherlands landed in Iran obeying compulsory hijab law without challenging it.

Meanwhile, in the West, Islamic veils have become fashion. We have seen a Muslim woman wearing a hijab in Playboy, Nike releasing a “performance hijab” for athletes, Vogue Arabia which published its first-ever print issue and Mattel unveiling the world's first hijab-wearing Barbie doll.

Next time the Islamists could do us a favor and veil all their European companions. The circle of Western madness will be finally closed.