Israel — and the World — Take off the gloves
Israel, along with those countries facing the menace of Islamic extremism, must ensure there are no future Oct. 7th attacks. Opinion.
Israel, along with those countries facing the menace of Islamic extremism, must ensure there are no future Oct. 7th attacks. Opinion.
French satirical newspaper unveils special edition commemorating 10 years since deadly attack on its offices by Islamist terrorists. The front cover features a cartoon celebrating the paper’s resilience with the caption “Indestructible!”
Europe and America gave many terrorists everything: educational and job opportunities, entertainment and sexual freedom, salaries and social assistance and religious freedom. The terrorists below have never seen a day of poverty in their lives. Opinion.
French court delivers severe sentences to several individuals found guilty of involvement in beheading of schoolteacher Samuel Paty after he showed cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in class.
German authorities say three suspected Islamist extremists were arrested with assault rifle, knives, and other items. The suspects were allegedly planning to attack Christmas markets in Frankfurt or Mannheim.
Today, perhaps, the main question is: what next? Opinion.
Khan has transformed the Court into an Islamist instrument used to wage a judicial war against non-Muslims on behalf of the Umma. And now Amnesty International charges Israel, the people who survived Auschwitz and Treblinka, of “genocide” in Gaza. Opinion.
German authorities announce arrest of teenager suspected of planning an Islamist-inspired pipe bomb attack.
If native countries can’t protect their own Jews, I’m sure Israel would be happy to show them how. But should the Jews take them up on it? Opinion.
Afghan man charged in connection with a deadly knife attack in May that left a police officer dead and several others wounded. Prosecutors say the attack was Islamist-inspired.
Do we love our Western way of life enough to defend it from those who love death? Opinion.
British radical Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary sentenced to life imprisonment for directing a terrorist organization.
British radical Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary convicted of terrorism offenses after a trial in London, facing "a significant sentence".
Russian President says the terrorists who killed 139 people at a suburban Moscow concert hall are “radical Islamists,” but again claims Ukraine could have played a role in the attack.
Crocus City Hall, Moscow, 2024: 143 Russian infidels are murdered by an ISIS cell. We have to avoid Islamophobia. Opinion.
Turkish authorities detain 29 suspected ISIS members who planned to attack churches and synagogues in Istanbul.
How do you straighten out a generation reared in radicalization? Whose wells have been poisoned intentionally by lies? Opinion.
They are shutting speakers down, blocking entrances to trains, obstructing traffic by blocking roads and bridges all over N. America. Op-ed.
Austria, Germany and Spain received warnings that an Islamist terrorist cell plans to carry out attacks on New Year's Eve or Christmas.
Islamists consider Israel a US geo-strategic beachhead in the Middle East that must be uprooted as they defeat the Western “infidel.” Op-ed.
Men found guilty of involvement in 2016 Islamist bombings in Brussels handed sentences ranging from 20 years to life in jail.
The Ain Al-Hilweh camp was just weeks ago rocked by deadly fighting between Fatah supporters and Islamists.
At least five dead and seven wounded in fighting which broke out after Fatah general killed by Islamists.
Mass genocide is the final seductive and murderous fantasy that runs through Islamist groups and through black supremacist movements.Op-ed.
A total of 14 people to face trial in France over beheading of teacher Samuel Paty by an Islamist extremist.
German authorities arrest Syrian man in Hamburg on suspicion of planning to carry out attack motivated by Islamic extremism.
You can't make this up. The paradoxes of living with Islam in the once-democratic UK of 2023 bring Orwell's 1984' to life. Op-ed.
The U.K. government’s Prevent program fails to recognize the continuum between non-violent Islamist narratives and terrorist networks.Op-ed.
Biden's men call an Assyrian archaelogical find a "rare Palestinian cultural object.” Islamists call Assyrian srchaeology "heresy." Op-ed.
32-year-old suspected of procuring cyanide and ricin to commit an "Islamist-motivated" attack in Germany.
Norway seems to be going down the road to the totalitarian control of non-progressive ideas. How does that differ from the Taliban? Op-ed.
NYPD chief of intelligence and counterterrorism says 19-year-old who attacked policemen with machete yelled "Allahu Akbar".
The report blames Jewish money, a reference lightly sanitized as "rightwing Zionist" donations, for election outcomes it doesn't like.Op-ed.
Conservative despair about the liberal erosion of the West is delivering it to its mortal foes. Op-ed.
Egyptian Islamists focused more on Naira Ashraf's choice not to wear a hijab than on her murder by a man she rejected. Op-ed;
There is no disavowing the betrayal of Israel in aligning with the Islamists of Ra’am, no matter what the partys' platforms now claim.Op-ed.
“Death to you Zionist scum,” she tweeted. Opinion.
Israelis have been told to leave Turkey by their Foreign Minsitry for fear of Iran, but Turks are fearful in their own country. Op-ed
Zuhdi Jasser is a reformer aspiring for relevance, but his efforts are in vain, because real Islam is impossible to reform. Op-ed.
A report by Le Figarp, tells of French hospitals heavily infiltrated by Islamists where doctors refuse to treat women and Jews. Op-ed.
I predict the Rabbi will become an even stronger advocate of kindness to Islamists who might be embedded in the “entire community.”.Op-ed.
France closes Islamist mosque in resort town of Cannes for antisemitic incitement and links to two banned Islamist groups.
From London, the Muslim Brotherhood is now launching mega projects in the heart of Europe. Expose..
Egyptian court sentences to death 22 Islamists for 54 attacks, including attempted assassination of former interior minister.
Video of May 2021 rally by Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia containing threats against the Jewish community leads to calls for group to be banned.
The past cannot alter the present. Holocaust museums have not affected young Islamists who don’t believe it occurred. And the future?Op-ed..
The prosecutor had asked for life. But ten years are enough for "justice" in a fetishist West spouting a perverted "humanitarianism".Op-ed.
Israel may soon face a huge expanse of territory controlled by radical Islamists, stretching from Greater Tel Aviv to Iraq and beyond.Op-ed.
The Taliban victory is much bigger than Kabul, says an analyst. It is a gigantic geopolitical shift. Op-ed.
The Middle East is brutal, repressive and culturally Islamist. Regional powers, including Israel, must guarantee stability together Op-ed.
Calls by Omar, Tlaib, Murphy, and Graham should be met with the contempt that they deserve. Ghannouchi is a monster, not a moderate.Op-ed.
The Islamist party is trying to have it both ways - work to better Israeli Arabs’ lives while also embracing Hamas-style radicalism.Op-ed.
Rally will go ahead as planned on Sunday with police presence and may change location.
Even with COVID-19 lockdowns, anti-Semitic incidents rise to record level in Austria.
Why is Europe capitulating to Islamists? We need solidarity with intellectuals who think independently before they are all killed. Op-ed.
Knife attack, which occurred in entrance to police station near Paris is being treated by prosecutors as a likely terrorist attack.
Behold the disasters that ensued when Islamists in the region were allowed to establish a foothold in Arab governments! Op-ed.
In Algeria, 101 teachers were killed by Islamists over the years for the things they said. France is on the way. Op-ed.
The internal school emails from the week before Paty's beheading tell the story of Western cowardice in facing Islam. What's next? Op-ed.