The police department in the state of Thüringen, Germany, has started distributing information pamphlets in the Farsi language, to accommodate the large numbers of refugees from Afghanistan and other Persian-speaking areas.

The pamphlet's publication illustrates the conclusions of a recent Pew study according to which the Muslim population in Europe will continue to grow in coming decades even if migration to the continent is completely halted.

Meanwhile, a study commissioned by the German government using data from Lower Saxony concludes that migrants "may be responsible" for most of Germany's recent rise in violent crime, reported the BBC. More than 90% of the increase was attributed to young male migrants.

Lower Saxony is regarded as an average, representative state for the purpose of such research, and police there saw a 10.4% increase in reported violent crimes in 2015 and 2016.

Figures from the state's Interior Ministry suggest that 92.1% of this increase was attributable to migrants.

A German court authorized a group of self-appointed Sharia police to continue enforcing Islamic law in the city of Wuppertal. The law they were cleared of violating forbade uniforms that are threatening, such as those of Hitler's brownshirts.

The men were photographed wearing orange hi-visibility jackets emblazoned with the words "Sharia police" on the back.

Ministers in Angela Merkel's coalition have denounced the actions and said that Germany would not tolerate such Sharia activity.

Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said that the civilians could not patrol the streets instead of German police.

"Sharia law is not tolerated on German soil," de Maiziere told the German daily Bild.

"Nobody can take it upon themselves to abuse the good name of the German police," he added.

"Sharia patrols" have been seen in other European cities including London, Copenhagen, and Hamburg.