Migron Sunday morning
Migron Sunday morningIsrael news photo: Hezi Ezra

Police handed out expulsion orders to Migron residents Sunday morning, and 16 families already have left voluntarily.

Golani soldiers reportedly are standing by to serve as a “third ring,” by which they would not physically participate in the expulsion but would be available in case police cannot maintain order.

Nationalist protesters arrived at Migron Saturday night and began positioning themselves on several roofs of the doomed houses, except for 17 that the High Court said can remain standing until another court decides on the legality of the recent purchase of the land on which they stand.

The destruction of the remaining 33 homes are to be carried out by Tuesday, under court order.

Families began moving out their belongings Saturday night to temporary housing in the nearby community of Ofra until  permanent housing is completed at Givat HaYekev, another neighborhood in the area.

The High Court last week rejected a petition to delay the expulsion until the permanent homes are completed.

Migron residents announced Saturday night, “Demolition forces, sent by Bibi (Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu) and Minister Moshe Ya’alon, will destroy our homes this week. Migron residents are pained and feel betrayed and never agreed nor will they agree to destroying the community.

“We call on everyone to come to protest with us against this terrible injustice by the Likud government.

“We will not agree and will not be broken. Today, everyone knows. “The story of Migron will be completed with at least two new Jewish communities.”