Maj. Gen. Tibon
Maj. Gen. TibonIsrael news photo: Flash 90

Well-known nationalist activist Noam Federman has called for Maj. Gen. Noam Tibon to be suspended over allegations that he harassed a female officer. Federman has been at war with Tibon ever since the latter destroyed his home in 2008 and evicted his family from it in the dead of night. 

"For years we have claimed that Tibon is a monster," explained Federman. "A person who chases women and children from their homes in the middle of the night is capable of anything. The Chief of Staff must suspend him immediately, just as the Police Commissioner did in the case of Niso Shacham, he said.

Federman has taken Tibon to a religious court over the destruction and eviction, and subsequently sought to sue him in a U.S. court

The female officer said that Tibon had harassed her on two occasions two years ago, when he was Commander of the IDF Command and Staff College and she served as his bureau chief.

The Military Police are investigating the charges.

Sources close to Tibon denied the woman's claims and said it was strange that they were only being filed now, two years after the alleged incidents. They estimated that the officer filed the charges now because she is scheduled to complete her service in the IDF on Thursday, and wants her service extended for the duration of the investigation and possible trial.

A reserve officer in the rank of lieutenant general told Arutz Sheva that female soldiers often use charges of sexual harassment to get revenge on male officers, some of whom did nothing wrong except to refuse to promote them or carry out some other wish of theirs.