Ensure that rumors of UNWRA's demise are not greatly exaggerated
Assuming last week’s reports are correct and that UNRWA is voluntarily demobilizing, it is time to discuss how to ensure that this is what really happens. Op-ed.
Assuming last week’s reports are correct and that UNRWA is voluntarily demobilizing, it is time to discuss how to ensure that this is what really happens. Op-ed.
The US should consider declaring it a Foreign Terrorist Organization. Opinion.
Director Ridley Scott has given us a sequel, but there is a Jewish story to tell about this place, so please lend me your ears. And connect the dots to today's Jewish story. Op-ed.
French prosecutors have warned that if released, he might attack again. Opinion.
If you vote for personalities instead of policies, you risk relegating the US Presidential election to the status and dignity of your high school president election. Opinion.