ActNews: Flag discrimination? Say what?
Fans often wave their country's flag at concerts, but one fan was booted from a Roger Waters concert for doing it - and it's not surprising.
Fans often wave their country's flag at concerts, but one fan was booted from a Roger Waters concert for doing it - and it's not surprising.
A Business faculty makes Russia’s invasion equal to Israel’s “invasion” - and says it wants to combat 'misinformation.' Really? Op-ed.
Iti's odd to say that separating nations and fixing boundaries to keep them apart is a formula for unity. But unity is precisely that..
Ah, freedom of speech. We have that only to denigrate Christianity and Judaism, while anyone who touches Islam is in serious trouble.
Israeli-owned Russian language news sites among a dozen sites now blocked as Russian crackdown on freedom of speech continues.
Minister Matan Kahana announces legislation to protect freedom of speech of municipal rabbis. MK Bezalel Smotrich says he will support it.
MK Betzalel Smotrich deplores Supreme Court decision to discipline Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu.
This is not just about me. It’s about the intellectual freedom and vibrancy of Cornell and higher education institutions and society. Op-ed.
Iran’s National Cyberspace Council approves steps to block popular photo sharing app.
Four graduates of top Turkish university arrested for displaying cartoon mocking Turkish President at their graduation ceremony.
Threats of violence cause conservative campus groups to drop support for Coulter's speech, leading her to cancel event.
Minister of Culture and Sport Miri Regev says Netanyahu understands historic opportunity, will return from Trump with good news for Israel.
European Court of Human Rights reveals the Council of Europe state that again leads the pack in violating freedom of expression.
Emails between Bentzi Gopshtain and Ben Gurion official reveals univ. bowed to pressure, keeping Lehava director from speaking.
Authorities in Iran detain five local journalists, at least two of which are known to have openly criticized the government.
President Reuven Rivlin dismisses threats made against him by brother of Yitzhak Rabin's assassin.
'Most Israelis think like me,' Motti Yogev insists, adding that his remarks were 'metaphorical.'
Cairo cracking down on 'insults to Islam' and other major religions - including atheism.
European Court of Human Rights symbolically fines Turkey for without trial fining a singer over speech complaining about lack of freedoms.
Less than a month after attending Paris rally, Abbas investigates 'terrible mistake': a comic showing Mohammed sowing love in world.
Vatican rushes to defuse statements by Pope Francis, who said those who 'insult the faith of others' can 'expect a punch.'
Israeli radio host responded politely to Roger Waters' Facebook post calling to boycott Israel. Waters deleted the post.
Ben-Gvir and Ben-Yosef slam Interior Security Minister's attempt to 'silence and intimidate,' call for his removal.
Rabbi Dov Lior said the criminal probe into Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu for 'racism' proves free expression is stifled in Israel.
The firing of Education Ministry's Chief Scientist because of his ideological views has passed without criticism from the "freedom of speech" camp.
Israel Law Center:Supreme Court has no authority to issue orders against private citizens, but only against gov't bodies or their representatives.
Police investigating Haaretz reporter who knowingly took three PA young women across the Green Line – and says she plans to do it again.