
David Collier

News and updates about David Collier

When Lucy met Mayar – another BBC News nightmare

Having been caught consistently working with terrorist supporters to create BBC News articles, you would have thought that BBC journalists would have learnt by now to conduct basic checks before holding hands with local journalists.

When Lucy met Mayar – another BBC News nightmare

BBC News is openly deceiving its public

There are far too many occasions where a piece hides a central truth from the audience. The only logical conclusion is that there are BBC journos out there who are deliberately skewing the news. Opinion.

BBC News is openly deceiving its public

No BBC – not everything is equal

Let the BBC know what you think of them. Opinion.

No BBC – not everything is equal

The transparent mob attack on the Jewish Chronicle

The Jewish left. attacked their own in the midst of a brutal and bloody war – just when British Jews may possibly need the Jewish Chronicle more than we ever have before. And the Guardian and BBC? The pot calling the kettle black. Opinion.

The transparent mob attack on the Jewish Chronicle