Yehudah, left and Roey, right
Yehudah, left and Roey, rightPress Release

Today marks Rosh Chodesh Shevat, the beginning of the month that celebrates new growth and renewal in the Land of Israel. As we approach Tu B’Shvat, the holiday of trees, we embark on a powerful mission: planting thousands of trees across Israel in memory of 841 fallen soldiers who gave their lives for our nation.

Click here to plant your tree now!

We are establishing new orchards in key locations in their honor. One orchard in Itamar will be dedicated to the memory of Yehudah Dror Yahalom. Another in Efrat will honor Roey Weiser. These orchards, along with many others, will stand as a testament to their bravery and sacrifice.

Each tree planted is more than just a sapling—it is a symbol of resilience, continuity, and hope. By participating in this campaign, you are not only strengthening the land of Israel but also ensuring that the legacy of our fallen heroes endures for generations to come.

Now is the time to act. As we begin this month of renewal, we invite you to take part in this meaningful mission. Plant a tree today and be part of something truly impactful.

Click here to plant your tree now!

Together, we will grow, honor, and remember.