Yariv Levin
Yariv LevinYonatan Sindel/Flash90

The Supreme Court on Friday afternoon rejected a request by Justice Minister Yariv Levin to delay the meeting of the Judicial Selection Committee.

The Committee is scheduled to meet on Sunday to discuss appointing Supreme Court Justice Yitzhak Amit as Chief Justice.

Levin requested additional time to allow for investigation into complaints against Amit, accusing him of failing to disclose conflicts of interest and of illegal construction on a home in his possession.

In their decision, the justices wrote: "As was explained in our previous decision, the one authorized to discuss these concerns regarding candidates for the position of Supreme Court President is the Judicial Selection Committee." As such, the justices insisted that the Committee be called for a meeting.

Earlier, Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara published her opinion on the matter, stating that Levin must hold the Committee meeting as planned.

Levin rejected her opinion, stating, "The public's faith in the Supreme Court, in the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and in the Attorney General, cannot be forced with orders."