Retired American Lieutenant William Gerald Jerry Boykin joined Arutz Sheva - Israel National News to review President Trump's first days back in the Oval Office.
''I think that God has given America a reprieve,'' he began. ''Donald Trump has everything he needs in terms of staff and his own intellect and experience. We have to get behind him and make sure that we do our part as well.''
As a member of the Family Research Council, he approved of Trump's remarks on gender issues during his inaugural address. ''I think that came from his heart - it was not just a something for a campaign speech. He wants what's best for America. God spared him for such a time as this.''
Boykin gave his opinion on Israel's ongoing wars, based on his own 36 years of military experience. ''Everybody recognizes that Israel was unprepared and that's just inexcusable. I think the Prime Minister was right at the very beginning when he said to annihilate these people, which is why I'm I am personally concerned about this ceasefire.''
Boykin has a personal stake in the war as well. ''I am proud that my children are half Jew, because they are watching real warriors at war for everything that matters to their country.''
He did not believe that Trump's aspirations of being a 'peacemaker' would hinder Israel. ''I think Trump is going to give Israel whatever they ask for. He loves the underdog. The secret is they're not the underdog, because they have God on their side. The Israelis have God and Donald Trump working together.''
Boykin also supported the Israeli claim to Judea and Samaria. ''The only controversy is that people are still calling it an occupied area. It's part of Israel. There can be no two-state solution.
He also praised Israel's leadership for its grasp on world affairs. ''They have a total grasp of what's going on in their nation, and also in America and in the rest of the world with regards to Israel.''