Liri Albag
Liri AlbagScreenshot

Shai Albag, sister of the IDF surveillance post operator Liri who was captured from Nahal Oz on October 7, is excited about her sister's expected return.

"Every day I imagine meeting Liri; now it feels so close. If I manage to speak without crying from excitement, I'll tell her, 'That's it, you're safe, you're home, we'll take care of everything.' I'll tell her I'll fulfill all her dreams, and tell her 'you won't suffer anymore,'" Albag said in an interview with Kan Reshet Bet.

She added, "We, as the Albag family, said that even when Liri returns, we'll do everything to continue fighting until the last hostage is brought home. We won't leave anyone behind."

Regarding the video released about a month ago, where the family received their first sign of life from Liri, she said, "It was a punch to the stomach. Everyone is talking about how Liri looks and behaves. Suddenly seeing and hearing her after so long - Liri is strong, shesurvived there. When she returns, we'll take care of everything for her."