Activists from the right-wing Im Tirtzu organization on Wednesday morning arrived for an early-morningprotest rally outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Yitzhak Amit in Mevaseret Zion.
The activists were protesting against Amit's expected appointment as Supreme Court Chief Justice, due to various publications regarding conflicts of interests, including cases connected to himself and his brother, which were heard in the city of Tel Aviv and a concern of a construction crime in an an apartment owned by him.
The activists noted Amit's rulings against the State of Israel's value as the nation-state of the Jewish people, which harmed the State's security.
"It is unthinkable that there should be so many suspicions and conflicts of interest regarding someone who is supposed to stand at the head of the law enforcement echelon," they said.
Bnayahu Ben Shabbat, task coordinator at Im Tirtzu, said, "Even before he was appointed, the public's faith in Justice Amit has completely tanked. He cannot be appointed so long as there are suspicions! The dust must settle, he must provide answers for these apparent suspicions. We will not agree to accept one law for simple civilians and another law for Justice Amit. We must not appoint him President of the Supreme Court - he cannot continue serving as a judge!"