One of the vehicles damaged
One of the vehicles damagedIsrael Police

Fourteen suspects were arrested overnight in the city of Beit Shemesh during a violent riot that began during police activity to arrest a suspect for committing indecent acts on 9-year-old and 4-year-old children.

Four police officers and a medical responder were injured by the rioters and property damage was caused. During the day, the police will request to extend the detention of the suspects involved.

The incident took place shortly after 1:00 A.M. Detectives from the Jerusalem District arrested a 20-year-old suspect on suspicions of sexual abuse of minors. Immediately thereafter, a riot erupted in which dozens of violent rioters tried to prevent the arrest.

Consequently, a large number of police forces from the Jerusalem District were summoned to the scene in order to restore order and complete the arrest of the suspect while transferring him to the police station for further investigation.

During the riot, stones and other objects were hurled at the police. A stone was thrown at a medical vehicle summoned to treat a policeman injured by the rioters, shattering the vehicle's windshield and apparently causing the driver to be sprayed with pepper spray. In addition, four police officers were injured as a result of the thrown objects, stone-throwing, and other violent acts, among them a police officer who was struck by a stone in the head. Damage was also caused to several police vehicles.

The rioters did not obey orders to disperse and ispersal orders and blocked the path of a police vehicle in which a detainee was being held as they tried to convince the police to release him in exchange for calming the situation down. The police employed crowd control munitions l and arrested another suspect (39 from Beit Shemesh) for assaulting police officers and disturbing the peace.

After a great deal of effort, order was restored and two detainees were transferred to the police station in the city for further investigation. During the day, as mentioned, these suspects will be brought before the court in demand to extend their detention for the purpose of exhausting the investigation in their case.

"The Israel Police will act with determination and without prejudice in all matters pertaining to the exhaustive investigation of criminal offenses and in offenses of sexual abuse of minors in particular, and against those who violate order and lawbreakers who endanger the security of the public and the police officers in general," the police stated.