Moshe Saada
Moshe SaadaYonatan Sindel/Flash90

MK Moshe Saada (Likud) harshly criticized the haredi ministers who left the cabinet meeting to approve the hostage deal before Shabbat, leaving their votes in writing rather than remaining for the discussion and voting.

"I wonder if Shas and United Torah Judaism ministers would give blind approval also for the draft law, or if they save it only for 'less significant discussions' that concern national security and the lives of all citizens. When others' children are fighting, it's no wonder it doesn't interest them. So what if Hamas may regain its strength and harm more soldiers? Arch-murderers are released and a terror wave in the 'West Bank' on its way? The other hostages are abandoned? None of this interests them. Disgrace," Saada tweeted

UTJ leader Moshe Gafni retorted: "MK Saada is a disgrace to the Knesset and the Jewish people, at a time when the entire society is uniting around the release of the hostages, he finds it appropriate to incite against the religious public thanks to whom he exists in Israeli public life. On one thing we would not leave a written vote - if there was a discussion to leave him in the Likud."

MK Yaakov Asher responded to Saada: "Unlike you, we do not think Prime Minister Netanyahu (the one who reserved you on the Likud list for Knesset) and the Minister of Defense want 'Hamas to strengthen,' 'murderers to be released,' and 'the other hostages to be abandoned.' Therefore, we as coalition members and as human beings support them in their difficult and complex decision. If you don't trust them, resign from the Knesset like Gallant. I suggest you arrange a spot for yourself in the party of an inciter and provocateur like Yair Lapid."

Deputy Minister Uri Maklev addressed Coalition Chairman Ofir Katz and wrote to him: "This situation, where MK Saada - a Likud member - slanders and defames his coalition partners over a prolonged period must stop. When even in these difficult times he continues to act as the worst of the inciters, this is intolerable, and the Likud does nothing to restrain him. There is a limit to these statements, and I call to put an end to this behavior."