We knew it years ago that the wrong man was installed as president, by hook or by crook. Call it the lost four years.
Come to think of it, not bad for a title for someone’s next book. Or try this.
So now they are sorry. Too late. The damage has been done.
The lesson? Never trust the media…as you wave goodbye to the worst president in our history.
Trump will have to start from scratch. Keep in mind that thank goodness Republicans control the House. Otherwise, they’d already have Trump impeached.
Or begun such proceedings with another Adam Schiff banging the gavel. These were the bad old days, and as we keep saying, Thank God Trump won.
Good for America. Good for Israel.
First, though, he will have to get rid of the bad taste Biden left behind.
This is how I saw it in a column I wrote August 23, 2021…yes, that far back.
New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Israel National News Arutz Sheva.