Activists from the Im Tirtzu organization on Thursday morning arrived to hold a "wake-up call" outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Daphne Barak-Erez, protesting her issuance of an order to improve terrorists' living conditions.

The activists called on Barak-Erez to stop interfering in affairs managed by professionals, warning: "You are harming the State's security. Enough with the dictatorship of the Supreme Court justices."

"Terrorists' [living] conditions are not a concern," the activists chanted.

Bnayahu Ben-Shabbat, task coordinator at Im Tirtzu, said: "Justice Barak-Erez harms IDF soldiers, harms the State's security, and undermines the emigration policy of the State of Israel. The nation of Israel is sick of the Supreme Court's dictatorship, sick of the justices who care of the terrorists, and wants justice."

Earlier this week, Im Tirtzu campaign bulletins appeared on buses in Tel Aviv. The slogan, "The court is against Israel," appeared alongside photos of justices Barak-Erez, Ruth Ronen, Khaled Kabub, and Yechiel Kasher, protesting the justices' interference in political matters.