Head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, hosted former US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, who is close to President Donald Trump and who is due to receive a senior position in the new administration if Trump is elected president of the United States.
Friedman chose to launch his new book, 'One Jewish State' (published by 'Sela Meir'), in which he proposes a solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, precisely in Samaria.
Head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, ministers and members of Knesset, owners of the Sela Meir publishing house, regional council heads in Samaria, and residents attended the launching of Friedman’s book.
Friedman spoke about his suggested political policy for the solving the Israel-Palestinian dispute, also calling for applying Israeli law over all of Judea and Samaria and giving Palestinians permanent residency status.
Head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, said, “We want to express our sincere love for you and appreciation for all you have done.” Dagan congratulated Friedman on his new book, which he called, “an important and groundbreaking work, which has political, financial and historical importance. While our land is burning, we must connect to our roots in our beloved land. This book gives a precise description of the situation. In the end our values and our connection to our roots, our connection to Eretz Yisrael will win.”
“We pray that Trump will be elected the next US president and we pray that David will hold the most senior position in the next US administration – for Israel and for the US. Together we will stand strong and convey the message – the Land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel, and just as Joshua and Caleb said, 'Come up, let us inherit the land because we can conquer it' – so we will build the land, and you will watch over us from Washington!,” added Dagan.
During the event David Friedman said, "My years as US Ambassador to Israel were the greatest years of my life. I have a deep love for Israel. This is my only hope for the Jewish people. We have no other future. I wish more people would understand this. People can choose to live where they want, but the future of the Jewish People is in the Land of Israel. I am proud of all of you, because ultimately Israelis are responsible for building and developing Israel. We need the Jewish nation to be united. We need everyone to understand that it is not possible to divide this land.
I wrote this book and I want to have it translated into Hebrew, in the hope that the citizens of all of Israel, not only those living in Judea and Samaria, but also the residents of Tel Aviv, Ashdod and Be’er Sheva, will have the opportunity to think about what I have written here. If you like this book, it means we're on the right track. We must keep going. I am happy to help as much as I can, but you are in charge of driving this car to the finish line. We learned a painful lesson on October 7th – the Land of Israel can never be divided."
Friedman also attacked Harris and said to hundreds of Samaria residents: "No one wants a Palestinian state more than Kamala Harris. It's just part who she is."