A missile fired during the Iranian attack on Tuesday evening directly struck the Shalhavot Chabad school in the city of Gedera, 13 kilometers south of Rehovot.

The school has close to 400 students from all over the city and is part of the Shalhavot Chabad network of schools that has seen a tremendous growth in the last decade and now has dozens of branches.

"Just to think that a few hours ago there were hundreds of students there, learning about Rosh Hashanah. A huge miracle happened to us," said the director of the school network, Rabbi Eliyahu Krichevsky.

The school, which opened several years ago, has become one of the most sought after schools in Gedera and the surrounding area. The school combines professionalism and values ​​and is praised by many of the prominent education authorities.

"As great as the damage is, so great is the miracle that no child was harmed," said Chabad Education Network chairman, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Aharonov.