Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan was interviewed by CNN’s Jim Sciutto, who pressed Hamdan on whether Hamas accepts any responsibility for the loss of civilian life in Gaza, noting that Hamas operates its military units within civilian populations.

Hamdan refused to answer Sciutto’s questions, and insisted Sciutto was using the Israeli narrative, while continuing to claim that Israel has been killing Palestinians for 76 years.

“It seems that you support the killing of 40,000 Palestinians. You are not blaming the Israelis for anything. You are talking about Palestinians who are being killed as if they are nothing. You’re just saying that the Palestinians are killing the Israelis. You don’t want to listen to the facts,” the top Hamas official charged.

Sciutto tried to quote a Palestinian Arab from Gaza, but Hamdan refused to listen and said, “You just want to listen to yourself and the Israelis. If you are aware and worried about the actions of the Israelis, don’t talk to Hamas. You are supporting the killing of Palestinians. I’m sorry to hear that from CNN. Thank you very much.”

Hamdan then turned off his camera and ended the interview.