There is a simpler explanation for the downfall of Western governments: they all agreed on an agenda that the majority ended up rejecting. In the words of the eminent Pierre Manent, great scholar of Machiavelli and Tocqueville, “we have been forbidden to love our history and we have been ordered to accept everything that accuses us, because the new political religion decrees to dissolve us in humanity”.
Emmanuel Macron's centrist bubble party obtained only a fifth of the national vote following the disastrous European elections on 9 June. Marine Le Pen stood alone at 34 percent, the left-wing coalition at 28.
But what is the agenda that Western voters have rejected? Put the climate before industrial production and stem the demographic collapse with non-European immigration.
The majority of Europeans have understood, as Douglas Murray writes in “The Strange Death of Europe”, that "for the majority of people currently alive, Europe will no longer be Europe”.
You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to understand that the elites like a new global melting pot that should dilute Western culture.
Immigration is by far the most important driver of political change, because it involves the reconfiguration of social and economic life and the erosion of the national foundation of Western states.
Macron calls it the “demographic transition”.
France is now 8 to 10 percent Muslim (by law we cannot know exactly). And in the big cities we are already at overturning numbers: Marseille (30-40 percent Muslim), Bordeaux (25 percent), Lyon (30 percent Muslim), Montpellier (20 percent), Strasbourg (12 percent Muslim)... But you can also see it in medium-sized towns like Roubaix, 100,000 inhabitants and 40 percent Muslim , or Trappes, 70 percent Muslim where Louis XIV created the famous ponds for the park of his castle.
The left of Jean-Luc Mélenchon has become what it is thanks to the imams and the mosques. His electoral base is immense and migrants are the new electoral core of the left-wing parties, which puts the left in a strange alliance with the capitalist center for cultural and economic reasons.
A town of 2,200 souls, the café run by a social club, half of the inhabitants retired, only about ten children born every year and a program to "rejuvenate" the city with migrants. We are in Brittany, in Callac, which has ended up at the center of national attention and on the front page the New York Times. The largest employer is the nursing home. The town has split in two over the project for migrants. “To the fascists who wave the flag of a hypothetical replacement,” said Murielle Lepvraud of the Popular Front, “I reply, yes, your ideas will soon be replaced.” “We are not lab rats,” Danielle Le Men, a conservative retired teacher, replied.
The right dominates in what the Goncourt Prize-winning writer Nicolas Mathieu calls "the France of barbecues", the people who work in warehouses, nurses, drivers, those who live in small towns. The France of rural municipalities and suburbs favored Le Pen. The right performs best among employees doing the heaviest jobs (standing, carrying heavy loads, repetitive motions, exposure to the elements, night shifts, chemicals). Alongside the "triple A France", which includes the metropolises, the bourgeois suburbs and the tourist areas, there is this "France of the shadows" which does not make you dream, the old industrial areas in crisis, the remote rural areas, the small towns in decline and devoid of tourist attraction, the urban crowns far from the metropolises and without real estate prestige.
Then there is the third France, that of the banlieues and the "creolized" classes, the increasingly Islamized France that votes to the left.
The European peoples are afraid of immigration in gigantic numbers, afraid that culture will dissolve into a blob generating relativism and ghettos, afraid of a Europe orphaned of external borders and internal moral legitimacy, afraid of full numbers that overwhelm everything and everyone. Fear that their country will be transformed, as Alain Finkielkraut writes, into an "airport" for tourists and migrants.
The elites can dismiss fear with blatant cynicism and continue to live in self-deception, raising the specter of “anti-fascism”. In that case, Marine Le Pen will soon find themselves at the Elysée. Or they can wake up from hibernation and recognize the faults that corrode the foundations and the signs of the exhaustion of a model that no longer forms society, with the "narrative" that evokes an inclusive majority and an excluded minority.
But the majority of the preceptors of public opinion (newspapers, intellectuals, party leaders, mega entrepreneurs, the "cool" bourgeoisie benevolent towards the "others") consider these categories as losers, "deplorables" and “right wing”, using the cudgel of the politically correct (pronouns, censorship, diktats, newspeak, ideological repression). Meanwhile, large European cities are working on the same double dynamic: economic-cultural gentrification and extra-European immigration.
This is the great paradox: the "open society" has resulted in a world increasingly closed to the majority. And the more conflictual this "diversity" is, the more we are forced to love it.
But the residual Western majorities - those who want to continue to live in their own neighborhood, in their own city and in their own nation without these becoming completely alien to them, not in Gretalandia, the strange global village under construction - these residual majorities do not want their countries be razed to the ground to rebuild a civilization that they don't understand and that, by nose, they don't like at all. Safe path, they feel, for a transformation that will make history.