
Heartbreaking cruelty in footage from young women's abduction

Families Forum publishes footage - taken from the terrorists' boydcams - showing the brutal abduction of five female IDF soldiers, who are still held hostage in Gaza.

התיעוד קשה לצפיהצילום: ללא קרדיט

The Hostages Families Forum on Wednesday evening published a video clip showing heartbreaking footage of Hamas cruelty during the abductions of five female IDF lookouts who are still held hostage in Gaza.

The footage is taken from the terrorists' bodycams.

In the video, lookouts Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniela Gilboa, and Naama Levy, can be seen during their abductions. The families have approved the publication of the video.

The video clip, which is three minutes and ten seconds in length, was filmed by the bodycams of the October 7 terrorists. It has been edited and censored, and does not contain segments which are inappropriate, such as the many murders at the Nahal Oz base, the bodies of those murdered in the bomb shelter from which the lookouts were kidnapped, and many horrific violent scenes.

The film does show the cruel and brutal, demoralizing, and degrading treatment of the young women on the day that they were kidnapped, and bears witness to the enormous fear which can be seen in their eyes.

A total of 15 young women were murdered at the Nahal Oz base, and seven others were abducted to Gaza still alive. Ori Megidish, who was rescued by IDF forces after just 23 days in captivity, was among those kidnapped; Noa Marciano was among those who was murdered in captivity. Her body was recovered by the IDF and she was given a burial in Israel.

The Hostages Families Forum: "The disturbing video has been the reality of Agam, Daniela, Liri, Naama, Karina, and 123 other hostages for 229 days. The video is a damning testament to the nation's failure to bring home the hostages, who have been forsaken for 229 days. There is no greater mission, no more significant achievement, and no chance to restore hope to Israel without the return of all - the living for rehabilitation and the murdered for burial. The Israeli government must not waste even one more moment - it must return to the negotiating table today!"

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