Renowned Jewish comedian Jerry Seinfeld joined the growing number of celebrities who have expressed their support for Israel following the Hamas massacre of over 1,200 Israelis on Saturday.
In a post to his Instagram account on Tuesday, Seinfeld wrote: "I lived and worked on a Kibbutz in Israel when I was 16 and I have loved our Jewish homeland ever since. My heart is breaking from these attacks and atrocities."
"But we are also a very strong people in our hearts and minds. We believe in justice, freedom and equality.
We survive and flourish no matter what. I will always stand with Israel and the Jewish people," he added.
He attached a photograph of a woman draped in an Israeli flag with the caption: "I STAND WITH ISRAEL."
Fellow Jewish celebrity Barbra Streisand also voiced her support for the Jewish State on Tuesday, writing on her X (formerly Twitter) account: "The population of Israel is under 10 million people. There are over 700 confirmed Israeli dead from this terrorist attack on civilians. The equivalent in the US would be over 25,000 dead in New York City on 9/11."
Streisand also shared a post saying that she is "shocked and shaken" by the massacre and is "proud to support the Jewish Federation of LA's Israel Emergency Fund at this heartbreaking time."
Seinfeld and Streisand are joined by Gal Gadot, Josh Gad, Josh Groban, Natalie Portman, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kris Jenner, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sacha Baron Cohen, and many other celebrities who have come out in support of Israel following the Hamas massacre.