Shlomo Ne'eman at site of illegal Arb town under construction
Shlomo Ne'eman at site of illegal Arb town under constructionGush Etzion Regional Council Spokesman

As part of his routine visits to areas throughout Gush Etzion, Gush Etzion Regional Council Mayor, and Yesha Council Chairman, Shlomo Ne'eman, today (Tuesday) stopped at the illegal PA town under construction in a strategic area, within a nature reserve, between Gush Etzion and the Judean Desert. Ne'eman discovered that construction at the site has progressed rapidly.

Ne'eman witnessed firsthand the trucks and other heavy equipment with PA license plates paving an access road to the new community.

According to Ne'eman, his visit proves how the PA is determined to quickly establish a new town in full view. The site is located not far from the Herodion National Park.

The Gush Etzion Regional Council recently launched a campaign titled: "Nothing is out of scope, as the PA builds," whose goal is to immediately stop the illegal PA building within the eastern Gush nature reserve.

During his visit today, Ne'eman said: "The enemy's heavy machinery continues to work full force. The tractors and trucks are their tanks – they are using them to conquer our land. Last Shabbat they paved another road. This is a nature reserve and we will keep it that way."

Ne'eman added: "The sounds of construction here are the sounds of destruction, they are destroying the desert, and creating a barrier between Gush Etzion and the Dead Sea. We see that the work to build a new city continues in full swing - one direction a house is being built and on the other side a mansion is already up, with Herodion in the background. If we sit idly by, this area will be transformed into a new Arab city. We will not allow this to happen. We will fight against it with all our might and we will stop this immediately."