El-Roi Kapach
El-Roi KapachRescuers without Borders

On the morning of Sunday, July 16, El-Roi Kapach, a resident of the settlement of Nokdim, was seriously wounded in a terrorist shooting attack in Gush Etzion, while his nine and fourteen-year-old daughters were also injured in the shooting.

Kapach is a well-known figure in the settlement of Nokdim, whose work and kindness encompass many facets - as an engineer, entrepreneur, and volunteer with Magen David Adom (MDA). He is married to Tamar, who lost both of his parents, Dov and Rachel Kol - 18 years ago in a shooting attack near Gush Katif. Together they built their home in the settlement of Nokdim, where they raise their five children and where they are known for the love and kindness that they spread in the community.

Kapach is the owner of the "Herodion" boutique winery. He decided to plant his vineyard precisely in the desert soil of Nokdim and, through hard work, make it bloom out of his deep love for the land. He dreamed of turning the vineyard into an educational and tourist center where travelers would come to connect with agriculture and the land. The land provided the family with all they needed.

To join and contribute to the 'You won't defeat us' campaign, click here

The Gush Etzion Foundation, together with Kapah's partners in the vineyard project and his friends, are now seeking to support and strengthen the Kapach family following the attack and the disruption of El-Roi's dream for his vineyard. To support this goal, the foundation launched a crowdfunding campaign, which will help support El-Roi and Tamar's vision now: to build, plant, and strengthen the vineyard.

The donations in the campaign, whose goal is NIS 200,000, will be used to realize their vision on the ground: to pave a tourist boardwalk between the Kapach vineyard plantations, seating areas, and observation points that will make the area bloom and grow sweet fruits: agriculture, security, and tourism. In addition, the donations will be used to increase the presence and security at the Tekoa junction, where the attack took place, through various hospitality projects and plantings in the Tekoa forest.

Gush Etzion Council Mayor and chairman of the Yesha Council Shlomo Ne'eman commented on the campaign: "El-Roi is a real hero. As someone who previously served as the land inspector of the Gush Etzion Council, he is connected to the land, he believes and sows hope. He plants a vineyard and produces vision and wine in the land of the tribe of Judah and establishes our grip on the land. Thank God, El-Roi returned to his home, and from there, we continue together with the community and friends to nurture his vision."

The first donations collected in the project, which was launched last Thursday, are already being implemented in the field: teenagers from the nearby settlements are working day and night in the area, building benches, and pergolas, and distributing coffee and pastries to drivers who pass by the intersection. The vision of the Kapach family is alive in action, in presence, and in the clear statement of the victory of light over darkness.

Gabi Haro, CEO of the Gush Etzion Foundation and a close friend of Kapach says: "El-Roi is the friend who is always in the right place, at the right time, and usually with the right glass of wine. The kind of leader whose inner peace and tranquility, and their endless acts without seeking credit, attracts many. We welcomed El-Rio back home this week - with Israeli flags, singing and thanksgiving for the great miracle, and with a big hug for the whole family."

We invite you to join us and contribute to the blessed work and the great forces that work in it. Any amount donated will continue the construction, development, and security of eastern Gush Etzion. We hope for good days when people will sit under our vine.

To join and contribute to the 'You won't defeat us' campaign, click here