Incontestably, there is astalemate and deadlock in the opposition political movement in the Iranian diaspora. The prominent political figure of the Iranian opposition is the Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, but he was encircled by a group consisting of royalists from the 1979 regime change, pro-regime reformists, separatists, and leftist personages who had no political commonality.
Even so, Pahlavi kept working hard to connect the exiled anti-regime figures in order to bring democracy to his homeland, but he was stuck in a destructive status quo, a puppet show of political lackeys directed by a corrupted circle. This so-called opposition has no desire to facilitate the regime change in Iran.

This time, the crown prince has played the correct game,disturbing the propaganda’ of the mullah’s regime in Tehran and pro mullah regime lobbies in the US and EU.
The Crown Prince will take part in Israel's Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration. It means that ‘Cyrus Accords’ are coming soon. Gila Gamliel wrote in her Twitter response: “Starting to build bridges between our nations.” Israel’s government announced that the Crown Prince is the “most senior Iranian personality” to ever pay a public visit to Israel. In other words, Israel and the key figure of the Iranian opposition have a mutual enemy in the criminal ayatollah regime in Tehran. There is no question that the end of the mullah regime would be a win-win scenario for the Iranian people as well as for Israel and entire of the region.
The Biden administration has not even received Netanyahu, so they may not be part of this turn of events. Meanwhile, the mullah’s lobbies outside of Iran cannot hide their wrath at this historical event, at the fact that an outspoken |Iranian opposition is about to mark Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day.
From every aspect, this trip will be a great sign that the Iranian people themselves have no problem with Israel and the Jewish community. Iranian public opinion supports this visit, because the crown prince in the monarchial history of Iran has an historical responsibility for forging peace and stability.
This time, the Israeli government can shift the button and instead of bankrolling MEK and repeating the same disastrous mistake as the West once did, they can back the significant figure of the Iranian opposition, Reza Pahlavi. After all, writes the Council on Foreign Relations, the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran, more commonly known as the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq or MEK, is a leftist Iranian resistance group founded in 1965, which then opposed the monarchy of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi's father, and its supporters in the West, including the United States, It was.once listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) by the United States for its alleged killing of U.S. personnel in Iran during the 1970s, and for its ties to former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
Notably, some of the prestigious pro-Israel lobbies in the US are supporters of this political shift and political opening. Furthermore, the Israel lobbies can help pave the way inside US diplomacy to be on the side of Pahlavi and not support the pro current regime reformists.
After the 1979,overthrow of the Shah, some select individuals went to Israel as representatives of the Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi. Some of the political figures in the Israeli administration and in Mossad approved those secret meetings. See Iranian Dissidents to Visit Israel.
The policy of Iran's Jewish neighbor will be vital for the future of Iran as well as the region. The heir to the Persian throne all be a special guest of the Ministry of Intelligence in Israel. Netanyahu, Isaac Herzog and David Barnea know well that the valuable role of the Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi after regime change will be to guarantee the peace and the stability of the region.
Principally, the Persian royal’s visit “is coming to honor the victims od the Holocaust and condemn the antisemitism and holocaust denial of the outlaw regime of mullahs in Iran. During this visit, Reza Pahlavi will also visit the Western Wall and host a meeting with Iranian Jews in Israel.
Meanwhile, the terrorist loving mullahs were busy with this past Friday’s Al-Quds day, an annual event created by the Islamic terrorists to encourage Iranians and Shia around the globe to display anti-Israel and Anti-American hostility. Enmity towards Israel and antisemitism are long-cherished values for the mullahs. Most of the prominent figures of the IRGC were promising to annihilate the existence of Israel.
In contrast, a leading voice and front runner of the opposition to Iran's despots will make a trip to Israel to symbolize hope for a secular and democratic regime in Iran after regime change and the toppling of the criminal mullahs. There will be no more heard from Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist thugs in the region, now puppets of Iran. The game will be over.
The Crown Prince constantly and openly has asked the West to embrace a pluralist and parliamentary democracy government in Iran..
Reza Pahlavi respects the heritage of Iranian History, the legacy of friendship from the Iranian people to the land of the Jewish People. The cruel ecclesiastical rules running Iran now can be replaced with a parliamentary monarchy that enshriness human rights, peace, and stability. Israel can galvanize support for this historical return.
Erfan Fardis a counter-terrorism analyst and Middle East Studies researcher based in Washington, DC. He is in Middle Eastern regional security affairs with a particular focus on Iran, counter terrorism, IRGC, MOIS and ethnic conflicts in MENA. He graduated in International Security Studies (London M. University, UK), and in International Relations (CSU-LA). Erfan is a Jewish Kurd of Iran, and he is fluent in Persian, Kurdish, Arabic and English. / Follow him from this twitter account @EQFARD / The newly published book of Erfan Fard is: “The gruesome mullah” , which has been published in the USA.