Antisemitic flyers falsely claiming Jews were behind the American slave trade were distributed in two areas of Connecticut.
The hate propaganda was found by residents outside their homes on several streets in New Haven and Hamden, KHON2 reported.
The flyers, titled “Jews Selling Blacks,” referred to Yale MBA student Robert Lucas who has launched a campaign to rename Whitney Avenue in New Haven, which is named after the inventor of the cotton gin, Eli Whitney. Lucas pointed out that the machine led to the expansion of slavery.
The flyers blamed “Jew funded organizations” for cancel culture and claimed that Lucas was Jewish and “spew[ing] anti-white hatred toward whites and insists whites feel guilty for slavery.”
“I thought it’s disturbing,” Lucas told the news outlet. “It’s disgusting but it’s not discouraging.”
Lucas, who is not Jewish, praised the residents of the two areas for speaking out against the flyers.
“When these incidents happen, I think it’s important we speak out 100 times stronger than those who did these acts,” he said.
Hamden has opened an investigation into the incident. The town’s mayor, Lauren Garrett, also issued a call for anyone withs surveillance footage of the flyers being distributed to come forward.
“It has no place in Hamden. These hateful messages do not represent what Hamden is all about,” Garrett said. “
The flyers were denounced by ADL Connecticut, who noted that the state has had a 115 percent increase in white supremacist propaganda in the last year.
“We believe the flyers are attributed to the New England Nationalist Social Club and they’re very, very active in Connecticut,” the ADL chapter’s director Stacey Sobel told the outlet.
According to the ADL, the Nationalist Social Club is a white supremacist group with small chapters across New England. Its members “see themselves as soldiers at war with a hostile, Jewish-controlled system that is deliberately plotting the extinction of the white race.”
At the beginning of March, the group distributed antisemitic propaganda in Stamford, Connecticut.
Flyers found in the city's Belltown, Pepper Ridge and Springdale neighborhoods claimed that New England states were “less white” than a decade ago, blamed Jews for the conspiracy, and told residents to “organize and resist” by joining the Nationalist Social Club 131.
The United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien described that the hate group “regularly distributes replacement theory propaganda and holds small localized flash demonstrations. Flyer drops are often used as a recruitment tool for the organization.”