After funding an ad to combat antisemitism in October, Jewish New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft is widening the scope of his message to all forms of hate with a new commercial.
“Hate has no place in our world today. In 2023, let’s unite to #StandUpToJewishHate and work together to eradicate antisemitism and intolerance against all people,” the advertisement states.
The new spot asks Americans to “do more to end hate against all people and specifically to combat Jewish hate.”
The ad made its debut on Sunday, the first day of the year.
“Right now, the Jewish community is facing rising hate and antisemitism,” Kraft said in a statement, according to Yahoo Sports. “Since New Year’s Day is a great time to make resolutions, I resolve to continue doing more to end hate against all people and specifically to combat Jewish hate.
“I hope this ad will speak to diverse communities in America and inspire them to stand up to all forms of hate as well. We are stronger when we come together and unite in the fight against hate and intolerance,” he added.
The ad was aired on Boston, New York and Kansas City CBS stations during Sunday’s NFL games.
It mentions antisemitism and other communities that experience discrimination, saying that those who hate Jews frequently hate other targets of prejudice as well.
Kraft’s Foundation to Combat Antisemitism plans to launch a new campaign in March 2023 that will expand his message.
In October, Kraft sponsored ads that aired during Sunday NFL games that called for Americans to "stand up to Jewish hate."
The commercials were shown on TV against a backdrop of Kanye West’s antisemitism comments and other antisemitic incidents occurring across the United States, according to NBC News.
The 30-second ad sponsored by the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism and the Robert K. Kraft Family Foundation said: “Antisemitism is hate. Hate against Jews. For being Jewish.”