Zvi Hauser
Zvi HauserGershon Elinson/Flash90

MK Zvi Hauser (Zionist Spirit) on Wednesday morning spoke about the support Jonathan Pollard expressed for his party, and the process which led him to recant that support.

"Pollard, to the best of my knowledge, wanted to express support for the Zionist Spirit, under his best judgement," Hauser told 103 FM Radio. "Within minutes, hundreds of scornful messages and threats flowed in."

Hauser also said that there had been no negotiations between the Zionist Union and Pollard.

"Everything was according to his judgement, his wording. [Interior Minister] Ayelet Shaked (chief of the Zionist Spirit - ed.) is in contact with Pollard, and worked very hard to release him, and that's it, a person wanted to express support. To the best of my understanding, the initiative was his, the words, the video clip, were not edited, as you saw. A person has a right to talk.

"I also clarified this issue, to remove doubt. There was not, at any moment, a mention of a list, negotiations. Ayelet Shaked warned, as she warns in every conversation, that she intends to be part of a government which the Zionist Spirit is part of: a broad Zionist government.

"I am looking at what happened in the past," Hauser added. "This is a person who sacrificed thirty years of his life for actions which he did for the sake of Israel's security. That is the start of the discussion, the end of the discussion, and its entire essence. For this, we need to show gratitude to Jonathan Pollard. This incident shows how much extremists in this country have lost their desire that we act as a united country, together."