Brian Robinson, one of 12 candidates vying for the Democratic Nomination for Congress in New York’s 10th District, spoke about one of the major problems facing the Democratic party at an Israel Heritage Foundation event. "A lot of the people who call themselves Democrats these days wouldn't have even called themselves socialists twenty years ago," he says. "We have radicals that are somehow trickling into the mainstream."

"When there's blatant antisemitism, more Democrats should be speaking up," he declares. "I don't know why I was the only one. I tried to get others, but they wouldn't say anything. We need to realize that they aren't Democrats anymore, they're radicals, and they're ruining our city."

"This is neo-liberalism," Robinson accuses. "They censor our speech, they're antisemitic, and I just have to say that it is so validating to see that just when I thought there was no one else in this fight, the CEO of the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) comes out and supports me."

"We have AOC (Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez) in Congress, who I can't stand. I will call out AOC every time," he added. "I do not see her as my partner."

"I am here to make change from within. Everyone concerned with public safety is on my side," he concluded, "Including 95% of the Jewish community who are tired of their sisters and especially brothers, who wear yarmulkes, getting beaten down in the streets. The fact that people like this can even call themselves a Democrat is representative of what's wrong with this country, and especially this city, right now."