You are called by the God of Israel to do what the great Emperor Cyrus of Persia did in his time.
Dear Pope Francis,

According to information published by the Holy See, in May you intend to visit the Land of Israel and the Holy City of Jerusalem, the Capital of Israel.

We hope that you can contribute to peace in our region and expecially in Jerusalem, for you have an effect on one billion believers.

We welcome your divine inspiration to promote peace and salvation among the nations of the world.

To ensure that this can happen, we wish to submit to your attention the fact that the Bible is based on the attitude of God to the People of Israel, prophesying and promising their return from exile to His country and the Temple Mount, Judaism's most holy site.

We hope that unlike the classic Catholic position, you will clarify that you approve the return of the Jewish people to Jerusalem to establish the Temple as described by the prophets.

Therefore you have to pray that all the people of the world will join together in order to help realize the vision of the Bible.

Up to  now, unfortunately, the Catholic Church itself has refused to be friendly to Israel and has instead supported the Arab position, denying the Jews the right to live secure and free in their own land.

We therefore ask Your Holiness to please announce that the return of the Jewish people to its land as promised in the Scriptures is a Divine phenomenon, that the Jewish people have the full right to establish His kingdom in Israel. and that the State of Israel is the political expression of the Jewish people.

The Papacy must must restore to Judaism, in the Christian consciousness, the dignity of a millennial faith of a covenantal people in its biblical land — a concept which for centuries was fought against and denied by the Catholic Church.

You have the opportunity to change the face of history and we hope it will not be missed.

You are called by the God of Israel to do what the great Emperor Cyrus of Persia did in his time and you will be blessed for this by the God of Israel. It will be the greatest of merits and recorded as a major historical deed that no other Pope before had the privilege to accomplish.

Thanks and greetings,

Hillel Weiss, Elkana (Israel)
Giulio Meotti, Rome (Italy)